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“Sometimes we feel that what we do is just a drop in the sea, but the sea would be less if it lacked that drop” Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Conoce a Raquel


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Donation is a totally altruistic gesture, it is considered one of the greatest acts of kindness and love among humans. Donation is a modern expression, even though transplants have been performed for centuries.


Organ Trafficking

The rock band Smash Mouth was mistaken when they sang “all that glitters is gold”. It is a well-known fact that organ transplants are marvelous, however, all that glitters is not gold and organ trade is becoming one of the most dismal and illegal businesses.




Gema De La Nava was born with a kidney disease and she spent...

María Otermin, Gerry Scully and Miren Bravo helped us and we interviewed them.

We did a survey to 330 students and workers from our school.


In order to write this project we read more than a 100 articles and news. To see all the resources and newspapers that we have used, click below.

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